Wabi-Sabi Welcome | A peek between the pages + recipe

Introducing Wabi-Sabi Welcome by Julie Pointer Adams... The concept of wabi-sabi is deeply rooted in Japan, though you won't find the term in the dictionary there, and even many Japanese people find it difficult to describe. 

Wabi-Sabi Welcome is sharing a pot of tea with friends. It is preparing delicious food to nourish, not to show off. It's keeping a basket of cosy slippers at the door for guests. It is well-worn linens, bouquets of branches picked on a walk in the woods, mismatched mugs, and collected dishware that only improves with time.

Filled with unexpected ideas and recipes, tips for creating an intimated environment, and visits to select homes around the world where the principle of wabi-sabi is woven into daily life, Wabi-Sabi Welcome is a new way to entertain - one that's easygoing, unfussy, and stress-free and that meaningfully reflects the spirit of both host and guest.

From within the pages

"Learning to embrace the imperfect and entertain with thoughtfulness and ease"

Within the pages of Wabi-Sabi Welcome you will be taken on a journey of learning and self-reflection with delectable dishes shared throughout. You'll first be introduced to what Wabi-Sabi is and how to begin making small changes within your current lifestyle. You'll then be taken on a visual journey across five locations where the Wabi-Sabi lifestyle is part of its innate culture. Japan, Denmark, California, France and Italy are visited and observed, it is here you will discover a delightful range of recipes.

Discover a refreshing recipe from wabi-sabi welcome below:

Mint and lemon salad recipe page

Mint and lemon salad from California:

Ingredients & Methods:

Start with a base layer of greens of your choosing, like shredded or baby kale, spinach leaves, or arugula. If you're using mature kale, make sure to massage the leaves with a bit of olive oil, lemon juice, and salt to help tenderise them and cut the bitterness. A small handful of greens per person is usually sufficient if it's a side salad-obviously you'll need more if the salad is the entrée.

Pluck two or three leaves of fresh mint per person, and tear each leaf into several pieces before combining them with the greens. Feel free to add more mint if you desire.

Depending on the season, I like mixing in different ingredients that complement the mint. Diced beets are delicious in the cooler seasons (I prepare them by boiling and peeling the skin off once soft). Thinly sliced radishes are lovely in spring, but for summer, a combination of fresh corn and halved cherry or grape tomatoes is a must. For something even sweeter, try sliced or chopped peaches or nectarines. Whatever you choose, keep it simple; use just one fruit or veggie (along with the greens and mint).

For a light dressing, I like to whisk together some olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and honey or maple syrup. If I'm feeling slightly more ambitious, I'll add mustard, chopped garlic, or very thinly sliced shallots or red onions (or all three!) to this mixture-I may even throw in a few more torn mint leaves. I rarely measure this combination (preferring to add to taste), but here is a basic ratio for reference:

- 3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil (start with 3 and add more as necessary)

- 2 tablespoons lemon juice

- 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup

- ½ teaspoon Dijon mustard (optional)

- ½ teaspoon chopped garlic

- 10 thin slices shallot or onion

- Pinch of salt

This makes about ⅓ cup of dressing, which should be enough for a few small salads. Leftover dressing can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days if stored in an airtight container.

To top it all off, crumble a soft cheese like goat or feta over the greens, or use shredded hard cheese, like Parmesan or pecorino. 

Finish the salad with a final sprinkle of sea salt, such as Maldon, and a grind or two of black pepper. Serve up and enjoy!

Note from the author: Julie Pointer Adams

"Ever since I learned to read at a young age, I've had an insatiable appetite for books and words, inspiring my love of writing today. That love of words is balanced by my equally-pressing pull towards the visual, grounded in a deep sensitivity to my environment and surroundings. Together, these inclinations, along with my interest in bringing people together as often, and as meaningfully, as possible, led me towards making this book. 

Past work includes the creation of Kinfolk Magazine's international dinner and event series, as well as other roles for the magazine including writer, stylist, and producer. I have also worked as a freelance art director and prop stylist. I hold a BA in Studio Arts and an MFA in Environment/Experience Design. Currently I am a freelance creative consultant and run my own floral design studio in Santa Barbara, California where I live with my husband, Ryan."

With love,

Flo family x

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