Considered feminine and functional, the New Zealand brand BLAK has been creating timeless pieces for women for over a decade. The amazing vision behind BLAK comes from their talented founder, Teresa Hodges. 

We've been lucky enough to team up with BLAK and Teresa on a little Q & A. Boil the kettle, make a cup of tea and take a read. 

Tell us a bit about how you found your way towards BLAK. How did you get into it, and what were your first pieces?

BLAK is all about uplifting women. We create simplistic yet beautiful pieces that let the true you shine through, so when you wear one of our pieces, you exude confidence and happiness.

The meaning behind the name BLAK went back to that “little black dress” that you would always reach for, that perfect look no matter what the occasion was. BLAK allows the wearer to express themselves and rely on our clothes to carry them anywhere with confidence. It can be sleek and elegant or relaxed and effortless, whichever you choose.

It’s so important to inspire and uplift everyone around us, and this is an ethos we have in our office and everything we do. I am so lucky to have a team of incredibly dedicated, strong and passionate women all striving to give our customers this experience.

Tell us about your space, where do you create your work, do you work with others or have your own space?

I use a lot of space when I'm designing! Fabrics, colours and prints are laid out in front of me so I can gauge the collection as a whole throughout the design process. I’m so visual and I'm inspired by being able to play with the fabrics and trims as I design. It becomes more exciting as the ideas unroll and the collection starts to come together. Starting a new collection is always so uplifting and inspiring.

I love to have the team in for feedback and as each of the girls are so different in their own personal style, it's nice to have their point of view. We banter together about what a women needs from her BLAK clothing, which is the most important part.

How would you describe your brand in 3 words?

Impactful, confident and timeless.

Is there one item or perhaps a collection in particular that is your all-time favourite?

The Bonny Dress and Rosalita Midi are my new all-time favourites! I love the tiered skirt and the cotton lace detail in the Rosalita, it’s so easy to wear, yet it has so much impact.

What are some of your go-to or hidden gems in your area? This could be your fave spot to walk, picnic, dine, shop etc.

For dining out, it’s definitely Alpino in the Mount. Sitting in the sunshine outside soaking up the Italian vibes, or Picnicka in the Tauranga CBD for the tasty food and on-point fit out. The beach is always a fave spot, it's amazing how ocean air makes you feel. A wander down to the beach then finished with breakfast and coffee is the perfect start to the morning.

What do you do to switch off?

Definitely exercise! We’re so lucky to live by such a beautiful beach and have the Mount to walk up. One power walk up the Mount with the incredible view is the perfect reset!

Here at Flo & Frankie our brands really are at the heart of everything we do, we thrive off of taking the time to know and understand the wonderful talent behind the brand. BLAK has been a part of our collection for quite some time now, and we can't wait to see what they come out with next.

A big thank you to Teresa for taking the time to sit down and talk us through some insightful Q's.

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